the kanyain , which was a paper mill under the direct control of government , was the center for the techniques of paper making during the heian period to make a paper using the best techniques available at the time and provide technical instructions for making paper in the provinces . 官営紙漉き場であった紙屋(かんや)院は、平安時代の製紙技術のセンターであり、当時の最高の技術で紙を漉き、地方での紙漉きの技術指導も行った。
zakko , however , are believed to have been treated in a similar way to senmin (with the exception of some who were given ikai [court rank ] in recognition of their contribution ), as seen from the facts that they were registered not in the general family register in which citizens and shinabe (technicians in offices ) were listed but in the special family register called " zakkoseki ," and that they passed on their social status as well as skills in a hereditary manner under the direct control of government offices . だが、公民や品部のように一般の戸籍には編入されず、「雑戸籍」という特殊な戸籍が作成されてその身分は技術とともに世襲化されて官司に直接付属されるなど、賎民に準じた扱いを受けていたと考えられている(ただし、一部には功労によって位階を授かる者もいた)。